Location |
NAD 83 |
58° 58' 11.00'' N, 128° 58' 48.00'' W
58.969722, -128.98
UTM: Easting 501150, Northing 6536681, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
58° 58' 11.18'' N, 128° 58' 41.94'' W
58.969772, -128.978315
UTM: Easting 501247, Northing 6536478, Zone 9 (North)
104I14E, 104I15W |
104I096 |
Geological Summary |
Locally banded and commonly porphyritic andesite and dacite flow rocks and tuffs (Triassice) are intruded by diorite. Northeasterly and northwesterly lineaments on the property probably represent fault/shear zones. Pyrite, sphalerite, galena, silver and gold values with occasional chalcopyrite and stibnite occur in variable combinations and grade associated with quartz/carbonate veins near altered shear zones.