Location |
NAD 83 |
55° 16' 18.00'' N, 127° 32' 18.00'' W
55.271667, -127.538333
UTM: Easting 592864, Northing 6125996, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
55° 16' 18.33'' N, 127° 32' 12.69'' W
55.271759, -127.536859
UTM: Easting 592961, Northing 6125794, Zone 9 (North)
093M05E |
093M023 |
Geological Summary |
Altered sandstone, siltstone and shale are intruded by dyke-like granodiorite and cut by a northeasterly striking, nearly vertical marcasite shear zone. This zone is mineralized with pockets of pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, jamesonite, tetrahedrite and miargyrite.