Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 12033

Property Name Shred
NAD 83
56° 41' 59.00'' N, 126° 16' 07.00'' W
56.699722, -126.268611
UTM: Easting 667235, Northing 6287294, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 41' 59.20'' N, 126° 16' 01.66'' W
56.699779, -126.267128
UTM: Easting 667332, Northing 6287091, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 094D09E, 094D09W
BCGS 094D079
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Geochemical Report on the Shred 1-4 Claims
Report Year 1983
Number of Pages 158
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1983-07-14
Off Confidential 1984-07-14
Claims SHRED 1-4
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators BP Resources Canada Limited (and Selco Division)
Authors Hoffman, S.J. (Estate)
MINFILE Nos 094D 111
Commodities Silver, Zinc, Copper, Barium/Barite, Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Cobalt, Tungsten, Manganese, Lead, Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 0 sample(s)
Related Report(s) 10814, 9621, 8213, 7505, 6843, 6369, 5661, 5254
File(s) 12033.pdf
Geological Summary
Takla Group andesite pyroclastics and flow rocks with intercalated argillite and limestone are intruded by plugs and dykes of diorite and syenite, and plugs and lenses of serpentinized pyroxenite-dunite and gabbro along a major northwest trending lineament, characterized by prominent pyritic gossans. Chalcopyrite occurs in intrusive rocks, chalcocite and bornite in sheared volcanic and ultramafic units, and massive sulphide lenses of magnetic, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite cut serpentinzied peridotite.