Location |
NAD 83 |
54° 04' 36.00'' N, 130° 25' 18.00'' W
54.076667, -130.421667
UTM: Easting 406985, Northing 5992986, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
54° 04' 36.51'' N, 130° 25' 12.50'' W
54.076809, -130.420138
UTM: Easting 407082, Northing 5992784, Zone 9 (North)
103J01W |
103J008 |
Geological Summary |
The claims are underlain by northwest trending metavolcanic and metasedimentary clhorite schists, hornblende schists, basalts, flows and tuffs; quartzites, marbles and siltstones. Occurrences of skarn mineralization are reflected in isolated high geochemical results.