Location |
NAD 83 |
51° 11' 00.00'' N, 119° 50' 04.00'' W
51.183333, -119.834444
UTM: Easting 301910, Northing 5674032, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27 |
51° 11' 00.18'' N, 119° 50' 00.11'' W
51.183385, -119.833363
UTM: Easting 301979, Northing 5673816, Zone 11 (North)
082M04W |
082M011 |
Geological Summary |
Scarce outcrops in generally extensive overburden consists of olivine basalt of the Skull Hill Formation. Rocks of the Eagle Bay Formation, which are known to host mineralization in this area, may underlie the property, but are not evident.