Detailed Summary Report
Assessment Report: 16181
Property Name |
Sha 16181.pdf |
Location |
Mining Divisions | Nelson | ||||||||
Mining Camp | |||||||||
Title | Report on Soil Grid Geochemistry, Sha Claims 24, 26 and 28 | ||||||||
Report Year | 1987 | ||||||||
Number of Pages | 19 | ||||||||
Statements of Work | n/a | ||||||||
Affidavit Date | 1987-07-23 | ||||||||
Off Confidential | 1988-07-23 | ||||||||
Claims | Sha 24, Sha 26, Sha 28 | ||||||||
General Work Categories | Geochemical | ||||||||
Operators |
Cominco Ltd. |
Owners |
Cominco Ltd. |
Authors |
Hagen, A.S. |
MINFILE Nos | |||||||||
Commodities | Zinc, Lead | ||||||||
Work Done |
Keywords | |||||||||
Related Report(s) | 15109 | ||||||||
File(s) |
16181.pdf |
Geological Summary |
The Sha claims are underlain by moderately east dipping Precambrian Middle Aldridge Formation sediments. These sediments are dominantly medium to thin bedded wackes and quartzitic wackes which are intruded by gabbro sills and dykes. The area is bounded on the east and west by 2 major north trending faults: the Iron Mountain Fault on the west and on the east by the Kidd Creek Fault. A number of minor northeast and northwest striking left lateral normal faults have been mapped on the property.