Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16861

Property Name Yellowstone
NAD 83
49° 08' 29.00'' N, 117° 07' 23.00'' W
49.141389, -117.123056
UTM: Easting 491025, Northing 5443181, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 08' 29.13'' N, 117° 07' 19.60'' W
49.141426, -117.122111
UTM: Easting 491094, Northing 5442966, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082F03E
BCGS 082F015
Mining Divisions Nelson
Mining Camp Salmo - Sheep Creek Area
Title Diamond Drilling Report on the Yellowstone Property
Report Year 1988
Number of Pages 76
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1987-11-06
Off Confidential 1988-11-06
Claims Dixie, Yellowstone
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geological, Physical
Operators Arakis Mining Corporation
Owners Higgins, Andrew G.
Authors Nelles, David M.
Commodities Silver, Gold
Work Done
Drilling Diamond surface 10 hole(s); AQ BQ; 257.0 m
Geochemical Rock 43 sample(s); No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:200
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold
Sampling/assaying 155 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold
Geological Geological 0.1 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:200
Petrographic 6 sample(s)
Physical Reclamation 0.1 ha
Road, local access 7.0 km
Underground surveys Scale(s): 1:200
Related Report(s)
File(s) 16861.pdf
Geological Summary
The Yellowstone workings expose massive white to argillaceous quartzites assigned to the Precambrian Quartzite Range Formation. These sediments are folded and have been obliquely cut by an east- trending, steep, strike-slip fault which locally hosts auriferous quartz mineralization in distinct shoots.