Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 16936

Property Name Hyland River Gold
NAD 83
59° 54' 59.00'' N, 128° 10' 06.00'' W
59.916389, -128.168333
UTM: Easting 546505, Northing 6642392, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
59° 54' 59.07'' N, 128° 09' 59.88'' W
59.916409, -128.166633
UTM: Easting 546601, Northing 6642188, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104P16E
BCGS 104P100
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp
Title Assessment Geophysical Report on Ground Magnetometric IGS2 Survey
Report Year 1988
Number of Pages 42
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1988-01-27
Off Confidential 1989-01-27
Claims Placer Lease 7841, Placer Lease 7847, Placer Lease 7849, Placer Leases 1610-1611
General Work Categories Geophysical, Physical
Operators Baha Res.
Chalice Mining Inc.
Spectra Ventures
Owners Baha Res.
Spectra Ventures
Authors von Rosen, Gerhard
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 10.0 km
Physical Line/grid 15.0 km
Related Report(s)
File(s) 16936.pdf
Geological Summary
The ground magnetic survey successfully indicated magnetic signatures displaying the expected magnetic relief which may be indicative of black sand concentrations.