Property Name |
Mount Selwyn
Location |
NAD 83 |
56° 02' 02.40'' N, 123° 40' 19.56'' W
56.034, -123.6721
UTM: Easting 458120, Northing 6210067, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
56° 02' 02.53'' N, 123° 40' 14.66'' W
56.034037, -123.670739
UTM: Easting 458203, Northing 6209857, Zone 10 (North)
094B04E |
094B002 |
Mining Divisions |
Omineca |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Diamond Drill Report on the Mount Selwyn Group Mineral Claims |
Report Year |
1989 |
Number of Pages |
26 |
Statements of Work |
n/a |
Affidavit Date |
1988-01-28 |
Off Confidential |
1989-01-28 |
Claims |
North Star, Una |
General Work Categories |
Drilling, Geochemical |
Operators |
Alina International Industries Ltd
Owners |
Alson Dev.
Authors |
Singhai, G.
Commodities |
Silver, Gold |
Work Done |
Drilling |
Diamond surface |
3 hole(s); NQ; 1076.5 m; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000 |
Geochemical |
Sampling/assaying |
85 sample(s) |
Elements Analyzed For |
Silver, Gold |
Keywords |
Metasediments, Misinchinka Group, Precambrian, Pyrite |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |
This area is underlain by pre-Cambrian Misnchinka Group limestone, dolomite, schist, phyllites, sandstones and quartzite. Mineralization of very fine free gold with pyrite occurs in the white quartzite which strikes northwest and dips 40-70 degrees southwest. Minor galena is also present.