Property Name |
Location |
NAD 83 |
50° 48' 16.00'' N, 120° 07' 28.00'' W
50.804444, -120.124444
UTM: Easting 702607, Northing 5632020, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
50° 48' 16.20'' N, 120° 07' 24.10'' W
50.804501, -120.123362
UTM: Easting 702689, Northing 5631811, Zone 10 (North)
092I16E |
092I090 |
Mining Divisions |
Kamloops |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Geochemistry and Prospecting Report on the Lolo Claims |
Report Year |
1988 |
Number of Pages |
55 |
Statements of Work |
n/a |
Affidavit Date |
1988-02-29 |
Off Confidential |
1989-02-28 |
Claims |
Lolo I-VI, Lolo IX, Lolo VIII |
General Work Categories |
Geochemical |
Operators |
Asamera Minerals Inc.
Owners |
Asamera Minerals Inc.
Authors |
McCarthy, P.D.
Commodities |
Silver, Gold, Palladium, Platinum |
Work Done |
Geochemical |
Rock |
29 sample(s); No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Silt |
18 sample(s); No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Soil |
152 sample(s); No. of maps: 3; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Keywords |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |
Two Late Triassic syenitic intrusive stocks intrude through Late Paleozoic phyllite, volcaniclastics and limestone of the Harper Ranch Group, altering the sediments to hornfels at the intrusive contacts. Minor amounts of galena, sphalerite, molybdenite and pyrite were found in quartz veins and stringers in the metasediments near the intrusive contacts and within the syenite bodies.