Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 17310

Property Name Ericksen-Ashby
NAD 83
58° 40' 30.00'' N, 133° 27' 47.00'' W
58.675, -133.463056
UTM: Easting 589127, Northing 6504885, Zone 8 (North)
NAD 27
58° 40' 30.42'' N, 133° 27' 40.39'' W
58.675116, -133.461220
UTM: Easting 589236, Northing 6504691, Zone 8 (North)
NTS 104K11W, 104K12E
BCGS 104K063
Mining Divisions Atlin
Mining Camp
Title Ashby Property Geochemical, Geophysical and Geological Evaluation of the Ericksen-
Report Year 1988
Number of Pages 132
Statements of Work n/a
Affidavit Date 1988-03-22
Off Confidential 1989-03-22
Claims BC 1-3, Bear 1-9, EA 1-2
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological, Geophysical, Physical
Operators Northwind Ventures
Owners Northwind Ventures
Authors Bojczyszyn, Tom
MINFILE Nos 104K 009, 104K 020, 104K 094
Commodities Lead, Gold, Silver, Zinc
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 233 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Lead, Zinc
Silt 67 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Lead, Zinc
Soil 345 sample(s); No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:1250
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Lead, Zinc
Geological Geological 100.0 ha; No. of maps: 4; Scale(s): 1:10 000, 1:1200, 1:1250
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground VLF; 7.5 km; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:1250
Physical Line/grid 8.9 km
Topographic/photogrammetric 4050.0 ha; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:10 000, 1:50 000
Related Report(s) 10026, 7707
File(s) 17310a.pdf
Geological Summary
The property is underlain by Upper Paleozoic volcanics and sediments and Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanic rocks. The former is intruded by a 7 kilometre Cretaceous(?) quartz-feldspar porphyry dyke. Massive sulphide mineralization consisting of pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena occur as pods adjacent the near vertical limestone/andesite contact and contains high silver and anomalous gold values.