Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 18207

Property Name Diadem
NAD 83
49° 58' 59.00'' N, 124° 06' 05.00'' W
49.983056, -124.101389
UTM: Easting 421040, Northing 5537328, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 58' 59.36'' N, 124° 06' 00.69'' W
49.983155, -124.100192
UTM: Easting 421123, Northing 5537119, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092F16E, 092K01E
BCGS 092F100
Mining Divisions Vancouver
Mining Camp
Title Claims Prospecting, Geological and Geochemical Report on the Diadem Mineral
Report Year 1988
Number of Pages 38
Statements of Work 0000023
Affidavit Date 1988-09-22
Off Confidential 1989-09-22
Claims Diadem 3-4, Diadem one-two
General Work Categories Prospecting
Operators New Global Resources
Owners Covenant Resources Inc.
Authors Shearer, Johan Tom (FMC 124452)
MINFILE Nos 092K 076, 092K 077, 092K 082, 092K 083, 092K 084
Commodities Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc
Work Done
Prospecting Prospecting 1950.0 ha; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:5000
Keywords Andesite breccias, Argillites, Chalcopyrite, Coast Plutonic Complex, Granodiorites, Jurassic, Quartz diorites, Sphalerite, Tuffs
Related Report(s) 13814, 11641, 9315, 8630
File(s) 18207.pdf
Geological Summary
The claims partially cover a belt of Jurassic volcanic rocks which exceeds 10 kilometres in length and averages 2 kilometres in width. These rocks are surrounded and metamorphosed by Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex intrusives. Mineralization appears to be a remobilized volcanogenic-model massive lead/zinc/silver sulphide localized along a sheared argillite-volcanic contact. The Diadem claims may contain the on-strike continuation of the main showing.