Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 18416

Property Name Amy
NAD 83
49° 24' 00.00'' N, 115° 55' 04.00'' W
49.4, -115.917778
UTM: Easting 578520, Northing 5472487, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 24' 00.10'' N, 115° 55' 00.73'' W
49.400027, -115.916870
UTM: Easting 578588, Northing 5472271, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082G05W
BCGS 082G031
Mining Divisions Fort Steele
Mining Camp Purcell Belt (Sullivan)
Title Geology of the Amy Claim Group
Report Year 1989
Number of Pages 23
Statements of Work 0000101
Affidavit Date 1988-11-25
Off Confidential 1989-11-25
Claims Amy 1-2, Hap, Leigh, MR, Shorty
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Eldridge, T.L.
Owners Leask, Gordon P.
Bauck, W.
Authors Leask, John M.
Leask, Gordon P.
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc
Work Done
Geological Geological 2500.0 ha; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:10 000, 1:50 000
Keywords Argillites, Gabbro sills, Siltstones, Wackes
Related Report(s)
File(s) 18416.pdf
Geological Summary