Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 19884

Property Name Gaspard Lake
NAD 83
51° 30' 00.00'' N, 122° 45' 05.00'' W
51.5, -122.751389
UTM: Easting 517257, Northing 5705458, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 30' 00.28'' N, 122° 45' 00.72'' W
51.500077, -122.750199
UTM: Easting 517340, Northing 5705249, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092O07E, 092O10E
BCGS 092O057
Mining Divisions Clinton
Mining Camp Taseko - Blackdome Area
Title Geophysical Survey on the Gaspard Lake Property
Report Year 1990
Number of Pages 21
Statements of Work 0000199, 0000200, 0000201
Affidavit Date 1990-03-09
Off Confidential 1991-03-09
Claims Fame 1, Gas 18, Gas 9
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Goldsmith Minerals Ltd.
Owners Gordon, Aidan C.
Bowen, Brian K. (Barney)
Authors Petersen, David B.
Cartwright, Paul A.
Commodities Gold
Work Done
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground REST VLF; 13.8 km; No. of maps: 7; Scale(s): 1:5000
Keywords Andesites, Granodiorites, Jurassic, Pyroclastics, Quartz veins
Related Report(s) 19251, 18386, 17638
File(s) 19884.pdf
Geological Summary