Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 22964

Property Name Muchalat
NAD 83
49° 54' 59.00'' N, 126° 17' 05.00'' W
49.916389, -126.284722
UTM: Easting 694921, Northing 5532870, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
49° 54' 59.44'' N, 126° 17' 00.45'' W
49.916511, -126.283457
UTM: Easting 695018, Northing 5532668, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 092E16W
BCGS 092E099
Mining Divisions Nanaimo
Mining Camp
Title Combined Airborne Magnetic, Electromagnetic, Radiometric and VLF-EM Report on the Muchalat Property
Report Year 1993
Number of Pages 81
Statements of Work 3035234
Affidavit Date 1993-05-05
Off Confidential 1994-05-05
Claims Much 1-4, Swah 2, Tol 1-3
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc.
Owners Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc.
Authors Robertson, K.A.
De Carle, R.J.
Commodities Zinc, Lead
Work Done
Geophysical Electromagnetic, airborne REST VLF; 174.0 km; No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:20 000
Magnetic, airborne 174.0 km; No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:20 000
Keywords Felsic volcanics, Paleozoic, Sicker Group, Tuffs, Volcaniclastics
Related Report(s) 22963
File(s) 22964.pdf
Geological Summary