Property Name |
Location |
NAD 83 |
53° 35' 00.00'' N, 125° 51' 06.00'' W
53.583333, -125.851667
UTM: Easting 311236, Northing 5940946, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
53° 35' 00.33'' N, 125° 51' 01.11'' W
53.583426, -125.850310
UTM: Easting 311319, Northing 5940736, Zone 10 (North)
093F12W |
093F051 |
Mining Divisions |
Omineca |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Geological and Soil Geochemical Report on the Snag Property |
Report Year |
1996 |
Number of Pages |
36 |
Statements of Work |
3082459 |
Affidavit Date |
1996-02-21 |
Off Confidential |
1997-02-21 |
Claims |
Snag 2-3, Snag 5 |
General Work Categories |
Geochemical, Geological, Physical |
Operators |
Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Ltd.
Owners |
Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Ltd.
Authors |
Payne, Craig W.
Commodities |
Gold, Silver |
Work Done |
Geochemical |
Soil |
149 sample(s) |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Rock |
75 sample(s); No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Elements Analyzed For |
Multielement |
Geological |
Geological |
650.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10 000 |
Physical |
Line/grid |
8.2 km |
Keywords |
Andesite, Argillic alteration, Basalt, Eocene, Fault zones, Felsic dykes, Hazelton Group, Pyroclastics, Rhyolite, Sediments |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |