Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 26400

Property Name MS
NAD 83
55° 37' 30.00'' N, 125° 48' 44.00'' W
55.625, -125.812222
UTM: Easting 322939, Northing 6167932, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
55° 37' 30.24'' N, 125° 48' 38.87'' W
55.625067, -125.810797
UTM: Easting 323023, Northing 6167722, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093N12W
BCGS 093N061
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Prospecting-Geochem Report 1999 on the MS Property
Report Year 2000
Number of Pages 23
Statements of Work 3155034
Affidavit Date 2000-09-29
Off Confidential 2001-09-29
Claims MS 1-4
General Work Categories Prospecting
Operators Warren, Lorne B.
Owners Warren, Lorne B.
Authors Warren, Lorne B.
Commodities Zinc, Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead
Work Done
Prospecting Prospecting 100.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:20 000
Keywords Andesites, Greywackes, Phyllites, Rhyolites, Sitlika Group, Triassic-Jurassic
Related Report(s) 24658
File(s) 26400a.pdf
Geological Summary