Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 26644

Property Name Ashton Copper
NAD 83
50° 14' 52.00'' N, 121° 23' 50.00'' W
50.247778, -121.397222
UTM: Easting 614272, Northing 5567409, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 14' 52.26'' N, 121° 23' 45.99'' W
50.247849, -121.396109
UTM: Easting 614355, Northing 5567200, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I03W, 092I06W
BCGS 092I024
Mining Divisions Kamloops
Mining Camp
Title Total Field Magnetometer Survey Report on the Ashton Copper Property
Report Year 2001
Number of Pages 48
Statements of Work 3167989
Affidavit Date 2001-07-09
Off Confidential 2002-07-09
Claims Melissa, Rebecca 2-3
General Work Categories Geophysical, Physical
Operators Ashton, J.M.
Apchkrum, S. E.
J.M. Ashton & Associates
Owners Ashton, J.M.
Authors Ashton, J.M.
Commodities Copper, Gold
Work Done
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 7.9 km; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:5000
Physical Line/grid 7.9 km
Keywords Chalcopyrite, Diorites, Mount Lytton Complex, Pyrite, Quartz diorites, Stockworks, Triassic-Jurassic
Related Report(s) 26007, 23495, 23116, 23028, 20252, 2533, 2532
File(s) 26644.pdf
Geological Summary