Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 27046

Property Name Redgold
NAD 83
52° 28' 00.00'' N, 121° 28' 05.00'' W
52.466667, -121.468056
UTM: Easting 604069, Northing 5814048, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
52° 28' 00.21'' N, 121° 28' 00.78'' W
52.466724, -121.466884
UTM: Easting 604152, Northing 5813838, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093A06W
BCGS 093A043
Mining Divisions Cariboo
Mining Camp Cariboo - Quesnel Belt
Title Prospecting and Geological Reconnaissance on the Redgold Property
Report Year 2003
Number of Pages 15
Statements of Work 3186451
Affidavit Date 2002-11-04
Off Confidential 2003-11-04
Claims Shik 1-6
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Morton, James William (Bill)
Durfeld, Rudolf Mateo
Owners Morton, James William (Bill)
Durfeld, Rudolf Mateo
Authors Morton, James William (Bill)
MINFILE Nos 093A 058
Commodities Gold, Copper
Work Done
Geological Geological 1500.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000
Keywords Diorites, Gabbros, Monzonites, Shiko Stock, Siltstones, Syenites
Related Report(s) 26746, 26188, 25867, 24865, 24630, 23771, 22104, 20930, 20145, 19803, 18837, 17645, 16093, 14870, 14009, 13804, 13355, 12694, 12584, 11623, 11297, 8260, 5540, 4601, 4557
File(s) 27046.pdf
Geological Summary