Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 27301

Property Name Golden Eight
NAD 83
49° 02' 01.00'' N, 117° 46' 47.00'' W
49.033611, -117.779722
UTM: Easting 443008, Northing 5431485, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 02' 01.57'' N, 117° 46' 43.00'' W
49.033769, -117.778612
UTM: Easting 443087, Northing 5431283, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082F04W
BCGS 082F002
Mining Divisions Trail Creek
Mining Camp Rossland Camp
Title Assessment Report on the Golden Eight Property
Report Year 2003
Number of Pages 20
Statements of Work 3200202
Affidavit Date 2003-09-22
Off Confidential 2004-09-22
Claims Golden Eight
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Zutz, Roger
Owners Zutz, Roger
Authors Wehrle, Dan M.
Commodities Gold, Silver, Zinc, Lead
Work Done
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground VLF; 5.0 km
Keywords Breccias, Elise Formation, Jurassic, Tuffs
Related Report(s)
File(s) 27301.pdf
Geological Summary