Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 27493

Property Name Sanca Creek
NAD 83
49° 25' 42.00'' N, 116° 43' 10.00'' W
49.428333, -116.719444
UTM: Easting 520344, Northing 5475111, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 25' 42.12'' N, 116° 43' 06.63'' W
49.428366, -116.718508
UTM: Easting 520413, Northing 5474896, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082F07E
BCGS 082F037
Mining Divisions Nelson
Mining Camp
Title Geological Report for the Sanca Creek Property
Report Year 2004
Number of Pages 55
Statements of Work 3211363, 3211456
Affidavit Date 2004-08-08
Off Confidential 2005-08-08
Claims Sparky 1-16
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Jondon JV Investments Inc.
Owners Jondon JV Investments Inc.
Authors Walker, Richard T.
MINFILE Nos 082FSE010, 082FSE055, 082FSE057, 082FSE058, 082FSE130
Commodities Silver, Zinc, Lead, Gold
Work Done
Geological Photo 4025.0 ha; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:20 000, 1:300 000
Keywords Creston Formation, Cretaceous, Sanca stock
Related Report(s) 26122, 25762, 25556, 25276, 24779, 23374, 23177, 20599, 19464, 19214, 17527, 17362, 15339
File(s) 27493.pdf
Geological Summary