Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 28623

Property Name KRL
NAD 83
49° 13' 28.00'' N, 115° 42' 56.00'' W
49.224444, -115.715556
UTM: Easting 593524, Northing 5453201, Zone 11 (North)
NAD 27
49° 13' 28.09'' N, 115° 42' 52.77'' W
49.224470, -115.714658
UTM: Easting 593592, Northing 5452986, Zone 11 (North)
NTS 082G04E
BCGS 082G022
Mining Divisions Fort Steele
Mining Camp
Title Prospecting Report on the KRL Property
Report Year 2006
Number of Pages 12
Statements of Work 4097530
Affidavit Date 2006-08-12
Off Confidential 2007-08-12
Claims KRL, KRL 2 - 3
General Work Categories Prospecting
Operators Lavoie, Darlene (132094)
Owners Lavoie, Darlene (132094)
Authors Kennedy, Robert Duncan Craig (FMC 113931)
Commodities Zinc, Gold, Silver, Lead
Work Done
Prospecting Prospecting 1000.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:10000
Keywords Argillic alteration, Creston Formation, Galena, Limonite, Magnetite, Quartz veins, Quartzites, Siltstones
Related Report(s) 28069, 26018, 25799, 25672, 25671, 25647, 25559, 20753, 10907
File(s) 28623.pdf
Geological Summary