Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 28818

Property Name Hansard-Purden
NAD 83
54° 00' 00.00'' N, 121° 54' 00.00'' W
54, -121.9
UTM: Easting 572103, Northing 5984082, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
54° 00' 00.16'' N, 121° 53' 55.57'' W
54.000046, -121.898771
UTM: Easting 572186, Northing 5983872, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093I04W
BCGS 093I001
Mining Divisions Cariboo, Nicola
Mining Camp
Title Geological Report on the Hansard Purden Limestone Deposits
Report Year 2007
Number of Pages 19
Statements of Work 4108793
Affidavit Date 2006-10-27
Off Confidential 2007-10-27
Claims 530060, Bowron 1 - 4, Hansard, Hansard 1 - 7, Jis 4, Pur 5 - 23
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Graymont Western Canada Inc. (105327)
Owners Ecowaste Industries Ltd.
Authors Dahrouge, Jody Richard
Kluczny, Patrick
MINFILE Nos 093G 028, 093G 030, 093H 020, 093I 003, 093I 004, 093I 006, 093I 028
Commodities Limestone
Work Done
Geological Geological 14000.0 ha; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:40000
Elements Analyzed For Limestone
Keywords Gog Group, Limestones, Mural Formation, Carbonaceous shales
Related Report(s) 26515, 25543, 25034, 23619, 15089, 9492, 5539, 320, 62
File(s) 28818.pdf
Geological Summary