Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 29341

Property Name Tay-Christina
NAD 83
49° 18' 30.00'' N, 125° 21' 15.00'' W
49.308333, -125.354167
UTM: Easting 328883, Northing 5464399, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 18' 30.41'' N, 125° 21' 10.61'' W
49.308447, -125.352946
UTM: Easting 328966, Northing 5464190, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092F03E
BCGS 092F034
Mining Divisions Alberni
Mining Camp Tofino - Kennedy River Area
Title Report on 2007 Prospecting on the Tay-Christina Gold Project
Report Year 2007
Number of Pages 21
Statements of Work 4156111
Affidavit Date 2007-06-30
Off Confidential 2008-06-30
Claims E - 15 EXT, E 15
General Work Categories Geochemical, Prospecting
Operators Perovic Enterprises Inc.
Owners Perovic, Franjo
Authors Perovic, Franjo
MINFILE Nos 092F 281
Commodities Copper, Zinc
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 31 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Prospecting Prospecting 126.0 ha
Keywords Basalts, Gossans, Granodiorites, Island Plutonic Suite, Karmutsen Formation, Limestones, Malachite, Skarns, Sulphides, Vancouver Group
Related Report(s) 26206, 6117, 5482, 4926, 3073, 2699
File(s) 29341.pdf
Geological Summary