Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 29422

Property Name Huckleberry
NAD 83
53° 40' 52.00'' N, 127° 10' 41.00'' W
53.681111, -127.178056
UTM: Easting 620332, Northing 5949585, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
53° 40' 52.39'' N, 127° 10' 35.94'' W
53.681218, -127.176650
UTM: Easting 620429, Northing 5949382, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 093E11E
BCGS 093E065
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Geophysical and Drill Report on the Huckleberry Property
Report Year 2007
Number of Pages 293
Statements of Work 4164875
Affidavit Date 2007-08-17
Off Confidential 2008-08-17
Claims Between, KM101, KM105, KM105E, KM107, KM107E, KM109, KM109E, KM109W, KM111, KM113, NEEDLE 1 - 4, Needle, SC 1, 2, SKNY 1 - 8, SP 1 - 4
General Work Categories Drilling, Geochemical, Geophysical, Physical
Operators Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
Owners Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
Authors Ogryzlo, Peter L.
MINFILE Nos 093E 037, 093E 038, 093E 039, 093E 047, 093E 048, 093E 049, 093E 050, 093E 051, 093E 073, 093E 074, 093E 086, 093E 087, 093E 112, 093E 113
Work Done
Drilling Percussion 74 hole(s); RC; 966.0 m; No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:20 000
Geochemical Heavy minerals 180 sample(s); TILL
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geophysical Electromagnetic, ground MINM; 22.0 km
Electromagnetic, airborne 1166.0 km; No. of maps: 5; Scale(s): 1:25 000
Magnetic, airborne 1166.0 km; No. of maps: 4; Scale(s): 1:25 000, 1:50 000
Physical Line/grid 22.0 km
Keywords Calc-alkaline volcanics, Copper-molybdenum-gold porphyry, Hazelton Group, Telkwa Formation, Bulkley Plutonic Suite
Related Report(s) 28866, 27678, 27613, 27002, 26443, 26200, 25850, 24602, 24064, 24029, 23856, 23666, 23372, 23290, 23289, 23112, 23085, 22928, 22793, 22558, 22109, 19764, 19087, 18907, 18399, 16578, 16460, 16017, 15786, 13088, 11797, 10539, 10052, 9897, 9831, 9119, 9099, 8757, 7577, 7006, 5978, 5287, 3961, 3666, 3259, 2693, 2692, 2691, 2690
File(s) 29422.pdf
Geological Summary