Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 31016

Property Name Highland Valley
NAD 83
50° 22' 30.00'' N, 120° 50' 17.00'' W
50.375, -120.838056
UTM: Easting 653725, Northing 5582561, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 22' 30.23'' N, 120° 50' 13.05'' W
50.375065, -120.836958
UTM: Easting 653808, Northing 5582351, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I07W
BCGS 092I036
Mining Divisions Kamloops
Mining Camp Highland Valley Camp
Title Geological Report on the Highland Valley Property
Report Year 2009
Number of Pages 53
Statements of Work 4281958
Affidavit Date 2009-05-14
Off Confidential 2010-05-14
Claims 513149, 513152, 513242, 513247, 513248, 513250, 514482, 514763, 515417, 515419, 567838, Capital 1-9, Generals
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Brown, Gregory David
Owners Brown, Gregory David
Authors Bergey, William
Work Done
Geological Geological 9400.0 ha
Keywords Breccias, Calc-alkaline volcanics, Gabbros, Guichon Creek Batholith, Jurassic, Quartz diorites, Quartz monzonites
Related Report(s) 29202, 25286, 23898, 23260, 22237, 14978, 9211, 4043, 3709, 3552, 2630
File(s) 31016.pdf
Geological Summary