Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 31758

Property Name Herd Dome
NAD 83
54° 14' 59.00'' N, 127° 39' 06.00'' W
54.249722, -127.651667
UTM: Easting 587850, Northing 6012145, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
54° 14' 59.38'' N, 127° 39' 00.81'' W
54.249829, -127.650225
UTM: Easting 587947, Northing 6011943, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 093L05E
BCGS 093L022
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Aster Alteration Study
Report Year 2009
Number of Pages 25
Statements of Work 4617951
Affidavit Date 2010-05-04
Off Confidential 2011-05-04
Claims 566302, 566303, 566304, 566305, 585410, 588179, Herd Dome 1, South H 1
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Cadillac Mining Corporation
Owners Audet, Andre J.
Bragg, Donald Kenneth
Authors Audet, Andre J.
MINFILE Nos 093L 175, 093L 176, 093L 177, 093L 178
Commodities Copper
Work Done
Geophysical Infra-red 1531.0 km
Keywords Basalts, Breccias, Coast Plutonic Complex, Cretaceous, Granitic intrusives, Hazelton Group, Jurassic, Telkwa Formation, Tertiary, Tuffs, Volcanic sediments
Related Report(s) 30454, 30418, 25311, 24726, 24725, 24214, 24213, 22542, 10145
File(s) 31758.pdf
Geological Summary