Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 32107

Property Name Carbonatite Syndicate
NAD 83
54° 32' 50.00'' N, 122° 10' 25.00'' W
54.547222, -122.173611
UTM: Easting 553456, Northing 6044723, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
54° 32' 50.15'' N, 122° 10' 20.48'' W
54.547264, -122.172355
UTM: Easting 553539, Northing 6044512, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093J09E
BCGS 093J060
Mining Divisions Cariboo
Mining Camp
Title Geochemical Sampling and Prospecting Report on the Carbonatite Syndicate Project
Report Year 2010
Number of Pages 401
Statements of Work 4805356, 4805357, 4805355, 4805354, 4805431, 4805432
Affidavit Date 2010-10-28
Off Confidential 2011-10-28
Claims 661686, 661687, 661703, 661704, 661723, 661744, 661803, 661823, 663343, 663343, 663863, 671703, 742422, 742462, 742502, 742522, 767962, 768882, 768902, 768922, 768942, 768963, 769002
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geophysical
Operators Bolero Resources Corp
Owners Bolero Resources Corp
Authors Turner, David
MINFILE Nos 093J 014
Commodities Niobium/Columbium, Rare Earths
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 895 sample(s); No. of maps: 7; Scale(s): 1:50 000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Silt 267 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 24 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geophysical Scintillometer, ground 120.0 km
Keywords Argillites, Cambrian-Ordovician, Carbonatites, Kechika Group, Limestones, Siltstones, Syenites
Related Report(s) 31477, 30873, 28528, 16246, 15944
File(s) 32107.pdf
Geological Summary