Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 32353

Property Name San Juan River
NAD 83
48° 31' 31.00'' N, 124° 21' 11.00'' W
48.525278, -124.353056
UTM: Easting 400098, Northing 5375569, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
48° 31' 31.82'' N, 124° 21' 06.31'' W
48.525506, -124.351751
UTM: Easting 400192, Northing 5375374, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092C09W
BCGS 092C059
Mining Divisions Victoria
Mining Camp Leech River Gold Belt
Title Geochemical and Technical Assessment Report, West Coast 2000 Gold Project, San Juan River Mineral Claims
Report Year 2010
Number of Pages 59
Statements of Work 4808404
Affidavit Date 2010-11-08
Off Confidential 2011-11-08
Claims 509083, 509084, 574300, Blackjack, Erin 1, Erin 2, Falls 1-4, Larissa 1-2, Mag 1-2, Mitch 1-3, Myra 1-2, Myra 3, Nina 1-2, Norman, Nr 1-2, Olivia 1-2, Rayman 1-10
General Work Categories Prospecting
Operators Phillips, Scott Le Barron Degourlay
Owners Rooke, Marjorie Alice
Saunders, Gordon Stuart
Oshust, Raymond Joseph
Phillips, Scott Le Barron Degourlay
Authors Phillips, Scott Le Barron Degourlay
MINFILE Nos 092C 058, 092C 059, 092C 071, 092C 131, 092C 140, 092C 141
Commodities Gold, Silver, Arsenic
Work Done
Prospecting Prospecting 1000.0 ha
Keywords Argillites, Granodiorite dykes, Greenschists, Greenstones, Jurassic-Cretaceous, Leech River Complex, Phyllites, Slates
Related Report(s) 30888, 27973
File(s) 32353.pdf
Geological Summary