Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 32370

Property Name Getty Highland Valley
NAD 83
50° 35' 08.00'' N, 120° 58' 22.00'' W
50.585556, -120.972778
UTM: Easting 643507, Northing 5605700, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 35' 08.24'' N, 120° 58' 18.02'' W
50.585621, -120.971671
UTM: Easting 643590, Northing 5605491, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092I10W
BCGS 092I056
Mining Divisions Kamloops
Mining Camp Highland Valley Camp
Title Titan-24 DC/IP/Mt Survey Geophysical Report on the Getty Project
Report Year 2011
Number of Pages 265
Statements of Work 4905682
Affidavit Date 2011-07-12
Off Confidential 2012-07-12
Claims 759562, 766082, Getty 1-22
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators EffiSolar Energy corp.
Getty Copper Inc.
Owners Getty Copper Inc.
MINFILE Nos 092INE038, 092INE043, 092INE151, 092INW040, 092INW041
Commodities Copper
Work Done
Geophysical Magnetic, ground MT; 19.2 km
Induced Polarization DCIP; 23.2 km; No. of maps: 87; Scale(s): 1:10 000, 1:5000
Keywords Andesites, Bornite, Breccia, Chalcopyrite, Granodiorites, Guichon Batholith, Kamloops Group, Nicola Group, Quartz diorites, Rhyolites, Triassic, Digital data ground geophysics
Related Report(s) 31541, 28072, 26873, 25284, 25048, 24692, 24691, 24476, 24371, 24196, 23712, 23340, 22725, 22481, 20232, 19685, 17974, 15205, 12902, 12838, 11624, 10544, 7502, 6029, 5541, 2788, 2227, 2158, 2065, 2018
File(s) 32370.pdf
Geological Summary