Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 34484

Property Name Yellow Bluff
NAD 83
58° 41' 48.00'' N, 133° 27' 50.00'' W
58.696667, -133.463889
UTM: Easting 589023, Northing 6507296, Zone 8 (North)
NAD 27
58° 41' 48.42'' N, 133° 27' 43.39'' W
58.696783, -133.462053
UTM: Easting 589133, Northing 6507102, Zone 8 (North)
NTS 104K11W
BCGS 104K063
Mining Divisions Atlin
Mining Camp
Title Interpretive report on BC Government Airborne Geophysics and Regional Stream Sediment Sampling
Report Year 2012
Number of Pages 44
Statements of Work 5400438
Affidavit Date 2012-08-19
Off Confidential 2013-08-19
Claims 532180
General Work Categories Geological
Operators Optima Minerals Inc.
Owners Optima Minerals Inc.
Authors Mark, David George
MINFILE Nos 104K 009, 104K 020, 104K 049
Work Done
Geological Geological 0.0 ha
Keywords Andesitic volcanics, Carboniferous, Eocene, Granites, Hyder Pluton, Sloko Group, Stikine Assemblage, Volcaniclastic rocks, Paleocene-Eocene, Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
Related Report(s) 30835, 20096, 10719, 543, 76
File(s) 34484.pdf
Geological Summary