Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37025

Property Name Lisa
NAD 83
56° 37' 11.00'' N, 131° 23' 01.00'' W
56.619722, -131.383611
UTM: Easting 353744, Northing 6277597, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 37' 11.44'' N, 131° 22' 55.01'' W
56.619845, -131.381948
UTM: Easting 353841, Northing 6277395, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104B11W
BCGS 104B064
Mining Divisions Liard
Mining Camp
Title 2017 Geological and Geophysical Report on the Lisa Property
Report Year 2017
Number of Pages 61
Statements of Work 5658755, 5671022
Affidavit Date 2017-08-01
Off Confidential 2018-08-01
Claims 1045747 Lisa 1, 1045748 Lisa 2, 1045749 Lisa 3, 1045750 Lisa 4, 1045751 Lisa 5, 1048350 Lisa 6
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators Cazador Resources Ltd.
Owners Cazador Resources Ltd.
Authors Travis, Adam
Travis, Brittany
MINFILE Nos 104B 025, 104B 026, 104B 517, 104B 575, 104B 576, 104B 577, 104B 580, 104B 581, 104B 582, 104B 583, 104B 584, 104B 585, 104B 586, 104B 587, 104B 588, 104B 589, 104B 628
Commodities Gold, Lead, Silver, Copper, Zinc
Work Done
Geophysical Magnetic, airborne 220.0 km; No. of maps: 4; Scale(s): 1:10 000
Keywords Arsenopyrite, Devonian-Permian, Diorites, Galena, Jurassic, Limestones, Malachite, Marbles, Pyrite, Quartz monzonites, Sphalerite, Stikine Assemblage, Stuhini Group, Tetrahedrite, Triassic, Quartz-sulphide veins, Calcareous sedimentary rocks, Gamsby Complex, Digital data airborne geophysics, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, Seraphim Mountain Pluton
Related Report(s) 19972, 19969, 19353, 19352
File(s) 37025.pdf
Geological Summary