Property Name |
Florence (Ruby 7)
Location |
NAD 83 |
56° 02' 06.00'' N, 129° 54' 38.00'' W
56.035, -129.910556
UTM: Easting 443263, Northing 6210349, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27 |
56° 02' 06.40'' N, 129° 54' 32.29'' W
56.035112, -129.908968
UTM: Easting 443360, Northing 6210146, Zone 9 (North)
104A04W |
104A001 |
Mining Divisions |
Skeena |
Mining Camp |
Title |
Interpretive Report on BC Government Airborne Geophysics and Regional Stream Sediment Sampling Within and Around the Florence Property |
Report Year |
2018 |
Number of Pages |
52 |
Statements of Work |
5668906 |
Affidavit Date |
2017-10-10 |
Off Confidential |
2018-10-10 |
Claims |
RUBY 7 |
General Work Categories |
Geophysical |
Operators |
Owners |
Authors |
104A 064,
104A 079
Commodities |
Gold, Zinc, Copper, Lead, Silver |
Work Done |
Geophysical |
Magnetic, airborne |
INTR; 0.0 km |
Keywords |
Argillites, Chalcopyrite, Hazelton Group, Jurassic, Quartz veins, Quartzites, Sedimentary rocks |
Related Report(s) |
File(s) |
Geological Summary |