Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37703

Property Name Mal-Wen
NAD 83
49° 56' 00.00'' N, 120° 27' 04.00'' W
49.933333, -120.451111
UTM: Easting 682914, Northing 5534333, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
49° 56' 00.23'' N, 120° 27' 00.13'' W
49.933397, -120.450037
UTM: Easting 682996, Northing 5534124, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092H16W
BCGS 092H098
Mining Divisions Nicola
Mining Camp Nicola Belt
Title Geological, Prospecting, Geochemical & Petrographic Assessment Report on the Mal-Wen Property
Report Year 2018
Number of Pages 74
Statements of Work 5703728
Affidavit Date 2018-07-10
Off Confidential 2019-07-10
Claims 1053101, 1057996, 1058745
General Work Categories Geochemical, Geological
Operators Victory Resources Corporation
Owners Victory Resources Corporation
Authors Sigurgeirson, Helgi
MINFILE Nos 092HNE002, 092HNE058, 092HNE059, 092HNE269
Commodities Gold, Copper
Work Done
Geochemical Till 2 sample(s); No. of maps: 1; Scale(s): 1:5000
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Rock 13 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Multielement
Geological Geological 24.0 ha; No. of maps: 2; Scale(s): 1:1000, 1:5000
Petrographic 2 sample(s)
Keywords Basalt, Breccia, Chalcopyrite, Diorite, Granodiorite, Nicola Group, Pennask Batholith, Potassic alteration, Propylitic alteration, Quartz vein, Shale, Siltstone, Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Intrusive rocks, Mudstone, Fine Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Basaltic volcanic rocks
Related Report(s) 37383, 37096, 36968, 35487, 33166, 32705, 32160, 31194, 30728, 30405, 28905, 27039, 24800, 9195, 9194, 9078, 8972, 8970, 4230, 4229, 1718, 1586, 49
File(s) 37703.pdf
Geological Summary