Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 37772

Property Name 2 X Fred
NAD 83
53° 51' 00.00'' N, 124° 24' 06.00'' W
53.85, -124.401667
UTM: Easting 407794, Northing 5967744, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
53° 51' 00.27'' N, 124° 24' 01.27'' W
53.850074, -124.400352
UTM: Easting 407878, Northing 5967534, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093F16W
BCGS 093F048
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Report on Rock Geochemistry 2 X Fred Mineral Claims
Report Year 2018
Number of Pages 77
Statements of Work 5703192, 5712641
Affidavit Date 2018-07-06
Off Confidential 2019-07-06
Claims 1011230, 1011231, 1012877, 1027246, 1038480, 1038500, 1043318, 896591, 896593, 896594
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Kootenay Silver Inc.
Owners Kennedy, Jonathan Sean (FMC # 142365)
Lavoie, Darlene (132094)
Authors Kennedy, Jonathan Sean (FMC # 142365)
Commodities Gold, Silver
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 272 sample(s); No. of maps: 9; Scale(s): 1:1250, 1:5000
Keywords Andesitic volcanics, Argillic alteration, Basalt, Chilcotin Group, Epithermal, Felsic volcanics, Gold, Miocene, Quartz veins, Rhyolite, Silver, Ootsa Lake Formation, Eocene-Oligocene, Endako Formation, Basaltic volcanic rocks, Nechako Plateau Group
Related Report(s) 37645, 37299, 36234, 35291, 34967, 34465, 33436, 7825, 7199, 7198, 7147, 7146, 7145, 7120, 6685
File(s) 37772.pdf
Geological Summary