Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 38060

Property Name Cascade
NAD 83
56° 03' 56.00'' N, 130° 02' 34.00'' W
56.065556, -130.042778
UTM: Easting 435076, Northing 6213866, Zone 9 (North)
NAD 27
56° 03' 56.41'' N, 130° 02' 28.26'' W
56.065669, -130.041185
UTM: Easting 435173, Northing 6213663, Zone 9 (North)
NTS 104B01E
BCGS 104B010
Mining Divisions Skeena
Mining Camp Stewart Camp
Title 2018 Prospecting Program on the Cascade Property
Report Year 2018
Number of Pages 36
Statements of Work 5722798
Affidavit Date 2018-12-12
Off Confidential 2019-12-12
Claims 1040173, 1048082, 1050908
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Pretium Exploration Inc.
Owners Pretium Exploration Inc.
Authors Wafforn, Stephanie R.
MINFILE Nos 104B 031, 104B 052, 104B 090, 104B 112
Commodities Gold, Zinc, Silver, Lead, Copper
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 8 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Copper, Multielement, Lead, Zinc
Keywords Andesite flows, Andesite tuffs, Andesitic volcanics, Copper, Epithermal, Gold, Granodiorite, Hazelton Group, Jurassic, Lead, Porphyry mineralization, Silver, Unuk River Formation, Zinc, Intrusive rocks, Texas Creek Plutonic Suite, Summit Lake Stock, McTagg anticline
Related Report(s) 37395, 29892, 17151, 11492, 11491, 9629, 9627, 8723, 8602, 8540, 7522
File(s) 38060.pdf
Geological Summary