Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 38143

Property Name New Raven
NAD 83
50° 36' 00.00'' N, 122° 10' 05.00'' W
50.6, -122.168056
UTM: Easting 558877, Northing 5605675, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 36' 00.28'' N, 122° 10' 00.87'' W
50.600077, -122.166908
UTM: Easting 558960, Northing 5605466, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092J09E
BCGS 092J070
Mining Divisions Lillooet
Mining Camp
Title Assessment Report on the New Raven Property
Report Year 2019
Number of Pages 52
Statements of Work 5726852
Affidavit Date 2019-01-15
Off Confidential 2020-01-15
Claims 1036852
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Cresval Capital Corporation (205969)
Owners Cresval Capital Corporation (205969)
Authors Lewis, Jordan
MINFILE Nos 092JNE056, 092JNE172, 092JNE180, 092JNE181, 092JNE182, 092JNE203, 092JNE999
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 112 sample(s)
Elements Analyzed For Silver, Gold, Copper, Multielement, Lead, Zinc
Keywords Bridge River Complex, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Galena, Gold, Granodiorite, Lead, Mississippian-Jurassic, Pyrite, Shear zone, Silicification, Silver, Telluride, Veins, Zinc, Intrusive rocks, Cretaceous-Paleogene, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks
Related Report(s) 37641, 36632, 36278, 35703, 35650, 34842, 33829, 33410, 32250, 30497, 29805, 28134, 27540, 26236, 26087, 22874, 21840, 21668, 21667, 21039
File(s) 38143.pdf
Geological Summary