Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 40017

Property Name Goldstorm South
NAD 83
51° 36' 45.36'' N, 124° 29' 15.30'' W
51.612599, -124.487584
UTM: Easting 397000, Northing 5719000, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
51° 36' 46.13'' N, 124° 29' 10.28'' W
51.612814, -124.486189
UTM: Easting 397094, Northing 5718804, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092N09W
BCGS 092N068
Mining Divisions Clinton
Mining Camp
Title Geochemical and Prospecting Report on the Goldstorm South Project, Chilcotin District, British Columbia
Report Year 2022
Number of Pages 128
Statements of Work 5856838
Affidavit Date 2021-12-17
Off Confidential 2022-12-17
Claims 1074586, 1074584, 1083769, 1074582
General Work Categories Prospecting, Geochemical
Operators Goldplay Mining Inc.
Owners Goldplay Mining Inc.
Authors Pautler, Jean Marie
MINFILE Nos 092N 056, 092N 074, 092N 020, 092N 064, 092N 073, 092N 044
Commodities Molybdenum/Molybdenite, Copper, Silver, Gold
Work Done
Geochemical Rock 59 sample(s)
Soil 100 sample(s)
Prospecting Prospecting 5.0 ha
Keywords Tonalites, Powell Creek Formation, Intrusive rocks, Granodiorites, Porphyry, Volcaniclastic rocks, Quartz diorites, Quartz veins, Basalts, Volcanic rocks, Shales, Siltstones, Pyrite, Digital data geochemistry, Cretaceous, Sedimentary rocks, Triassic, Relay Mountain Group, Stockwork, Porphyry copper, Twin Creek Assemblage, Hurley Formation, Teepee Mountain Formation, Cadwallader Group
Related Report(s) 35815, 33014, 32233, 29245, 22358, 17200, 10303
File(s) 40017.pdf
Geological Summary