Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 40147

Property Name Hard Nickel
NAD 83
54° 52' 43.00'' N, 125° 38' 18.00'' W
54.878611, -125.638333
UTM: Easting 330741, Northing 6084472, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
54° 52' 43.27'' N, 125° 38' 12.99'' W
54.878687, -125.636941
UTM: Easting 330824, Northing 6084262, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 093K13E
BCGS 093K082
Mining Divisions Omineca
Mining Camp
Title Report on 2021 Geochemical Surveys on Hard Nickel 3, Hard Nickel 4, and Hard Nickel Center Claim Groups
Report Year 2022
Number of Pages 925
Statements of Work 5864446, 5864450, 5864457
Affidavit Date 2021-12-28
Off Confidential 2022-12-28
Claims 1079017, 1080736, 1078903, 1077442, 1078942, 1078863, 239823
General Work Categories Geochemical
Operators Nickel Rock Resources
Funk, Kelly Brent (802213 Alberta Ltd)
Owners Nickel Rock Resources
Funk, Kelly Brent (802213 Alberta Ltd)
Authors Wasylyshyn, Luke
MINFILE Nos 093K 038, 093K 068, 093K 128, 093K 073, 093K 131, 093K 037, 093K 043
Commodities Platinum, Rhodium, Palladium, Cobalt, Nickel, Chromium/Chromite
Work Done
Geochemical Soil 1740 sample(s)
Rock 266 sample(s)
Sampling/assaying 30 sample(s); Core re-sampling
Keywords Iron, Sedimentary rocks, Shale, Nickel, Sowchea Succession, Magnetite, Trembleur Ultramafite, Metamorphic rocks, Ultramafic rocks, Peridotites, Cache Creek Terrane, Mudstone, Sitlika Assemblage, Pennsylvanian-Triassic, Triassic-Jurassic, Cache Creek Complex, Greenschist, Listwanite, Greenstone, Cobalt, Chromite, Harzburgites, Chromium, Fine Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, Awaruite, Rubyrock Igneous Complex, Dunite, Siltstone, Serpentinite, Mafic rocks
Related Report(s) 33589, 32481, 31999, 30473, 29885, 27723, 27518, 27405, 27375, 27104, 26513, 25668, 25477, 25278, 24906, 24520, 24277, 23569, 21870, 20541, 18089, 17944, 17173, 2414
File(s) 40147.pdf
Geological Summary