Detailed Summary Report

Assessment Report: 40326

Property Name Peerless
NAD 83
50° 55' 31.00'' N, 122° 50' 06.00'' W
50.925278, -122.835
UTM: Easting 511597, Northing 5641529, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27
50° 55' 31.29'' N, 122° 50' 01.76'' W
50.925360, -122.833822
UTM: Easting 511680, Northing 5641319, Zone 10 (North)
NTS 092J15W
BCGS 092J096
Mining Divisions Lillooet
Mining Camp Bridge River Camp
Title Geophysical (Magnetometer) Assessment Report on the Peerless Property
Report Year 2022
Number of Pages 37
Statements of Work 5857253, 5930579
Affidavit Date 2021-12-20
Off Confidential 2022-12-20
Claims 1050969, 1050970, 1063935, 1048151, 1052459
General Work Categories Geophysical
Operators McLay, Stanley Roger
Owners McLay, Stanley Roger
Authors Sookochoff, Laurence
MINFILE Nos 092JNE149, 092JNE197, 092JNE076
Commodities Gold, Copper
Work Done
Geophysical Magnetic, ground 53.0 km
Keywords Listwanite, Bridge River Complex, Greenstone, Sphalerite, Massive sulphides, Argillite, Pyrite, Cretaceous-Eocene, Taylor Creek Group, Eocene, Galena, Ultramafic rocks, Serpentinite, Mississippian-Jurassic, Limestone, Intrusive rocks, Feldspar porphyry, Diorite, Chert, Marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks
Related Report(s) 38914, 33252, 28870, 24245, 22104, 17062, 14150, 11648, 5325
File(s) 40326.pdf
Geological Summary