Location |
NAD 83 |
52° 24' 00.00'' N, 121° 20' 53.00'' W
52.4, -121.348056
UTM: Easting 612389, Northing 5806813, Zone 10 (North)
NAD 27 |
52° 24' 00.20'' N, 121° 20' 48.81'' W
52.400056, -121.346891
UTM: Easting 612472, Northing 5806603, Zone 10 (North)
093A06W |
093A044 |
Geological Summary |
The prospect is situated in the eastern part of the Quesnel Trough. The rocks are a thick sequence of submarine volcanics, pillow basalts, agglomerate, polylithic volcanic breccias, discontinuous carbonate horizons, and several thousand metres of sub-aereal volcanics consisting of leucite-bearing basalt and related flow-top breccias, conglomerate, sandstone, tuff, laharic breccias, and limestone pebble conglomerate. Synvolcanic stocks of diorite syenodiorite and syenite occur within the volcanic sequence. Small amounts of auriferous pyrite and chalcopyrite occur in highly fractured and altered volcanic rocks west and south of the stocks, and in anhydrite-rich fracture zones.