Map Tool Help

This page describes the map tools on the white bar above the map.


Buttons initiate immediate action when you press them with the mouse. The icons on the left side of the toolbar are buttons, followed by the tools. Tools are described in the section following the button descriptions.

BC Extent: Changes the extent of the map to the extent of the Province of British Columbia.
Full Extent: Changes the extent of the map to the designed full extent of the map. This tool is used to zoom to the designed project area.
Previous Extent: Changes the extent of the map to the extent that it was before the last extent change.
Index Map: Displays a small map of British Columbia in the right window with an indicator of the extent of the main map window.
Print Map: Opens a separate browser window containing the map in a printer-friendly format.
Clear: Clears the selected features or markup graphics that you have placed on the map.


When you press a tool with the mouse, it sets a mode for the map cursor to perform some action when you click or drag the mouse on the map. The active tool is outlined in red, and is displayed on the status bar under the map.
Drill Down Identify: The drill down identify tool displays information about each visible layer at the map position clicked. To use, simply click the map and view the results in this window.
Identify: The identify tool is used for reporting. When you click on the map with an identify layer active, the features at the location selected will be displayed in the right window. The name of the active identify layer is displayed in the status bar under the map. To set a different identify layer, open the layer folders window using the LAYERS tab above, and click the identify icon beside the layer that you want more information about.
Select: The select tool is used for reporting. When you click on the map with a select layer active, the features at the location selected will be displayed in the right window. The name of the active select layer is displayed in the status bar under the map. To set a different select layer, open the layer folders window using the LAYERS tab above, and click the select icon beside the layer that you want more information about.
Zoom In: The Zoom In button allows you to window into your particular area on the map. You can do this in either of 2 ways. Using the mouse, "left click" on the Zoom In button and then:
  • "left click" a point on the map you wish to be the centre of your selected area (one "click" zooms in approximately 2X, you can do this as many times as you want until you have the right extent defined), or

  • define a window by "left clicking" on a point and, keeping the mouse button depressed, "pull" the rectangle being formed until it covers the area of interest and release the mouse button.

If you have "windowed in" too far, use the Zoom Out button to "back out" (approximately 2X each "click") until the appropriate area has been defined.
Zoom Out: Clicking the map with the Zoom Out tool active causes the map to "back out" so you can see approximately 2 times more each "click". The map will be centred at the point clicked.
Pan: The Pan tool is used to move the area shown in the map window to the left, right, up or down. This is accomplished by "left clicking" the mouse cursor on the Pan button activate, moving the mouse cursor over the approximate centre of the map and then, keeping the left button depressed, dragging the map window until the adjusted area of interest is displayed. Release the mouse button.
Markup: The Markup tool is used to add user-drawn graphics to the map. If you click on the map with the Markup tool active, the map will refresh to show a star where you clicked. If you click and drag the mouse, a blue rectangle will be drawn on the map. To erase the graphics, press the Clear button.
Location: The Location tool is used to display the latitude / longitude location for the position that you click on the map. The location is shown when the map refreshes, and is automatically erased when you click the map at another location or use one of the other map tools.
Measure: The Measure tool is used to calculate distances between points that you click on the map. The first time you click the map, the location of the point that you clicked will be displayed in the information area of the screen. When you click additional points, their locations and the distance between the points will also be displayed. If you want to show the positions and the lines between them on the map, click the "Show Points" button in the information window.
Measure Area: The Measure Area tool is used to calculate the area of the polygon that you draw by clicking on the map. As you click the map, a polygon will be drawn and the area of the polygon will be displayed in the information area of the screen.

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