Management Area: 

Nakina-Inklin (Kuthai Area)/Yawu Yaa Conservancy

30 years
Summary of Activity: 
Construction and maintenance of 56.1km of road and right of way (ROW will be 75 m wide in total including 5 m road bed). Permit area will be 75m wide to allow for best placement of the road & ROW. After road is constructed then permit will be ammended to accurately reflect actual road and ROW for subsequent years. Fees are calculated as follows: Roads & Trails = 56,100 m length x 5m wide = 28.05 ha. Forestry activities (ROW) = 56,100m length x 70m width = 392.7 ha. Gravel Quarries = $1000 or $500/ha + $100/structure whichever is greater. Permittee will be required to declare use of gravel quarries or borrow pits which may result in additional fees if area of use is greater than 2ha/yr.
Permit Type: 
Chieftain Metals Inc.
Issue Date: 
Tuesday, February 12, 2013