Management Area: 

Woodley Range Ecological Reserve

1 day
Summary of Activity: 
Members of our society, the Yellow Point Ecological Society, wish to experience an educational and data sampling excursion through a limited section of the Ecological Reserve. Our board members include an ecoforester-in-training and a certified permaculturist. We wish to view and educate ourselves about the rare botanical species found in the Reserve. Our mission statement is as follows: We work to understand, appreciate, protect and restore the ecosystems and watersheds in the Yellow Point area of Vancouver Island and to inspire and support local residents to do the same. We are in the process of producing a Landowners' Handbook for the area, and a video of the history of the Yellow Point area and would like to include first-hand information about the Reserve in these media, to promote both restoration of local ecosystems and conservation and proliferation of rare plants. Additionally, we will aim to provide plant observation data to the BC Conservation Data Centre in Victoria regarding rare plant observations.
Permit Type: 
Yellow Point Ecological Society
Issue Date: 
Tuesday, July 21, 2020