Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/19/2023 - 07:00
Management Area:
Juan De Fuca
Goldstream Park
30 years
Summary of Activity:
Access onto park lands is requested to enable construction of some elements of the Highway 1 Malahat Safety Improvements project. The highway project is required to improve safety and reliability for the travelling public and goods movement. This segment of the highway has no reasonable detour available, and a history of collisions, contaminant spills and closures which the proposed improvements will ameliorate. The project also includes several significant elements that will benefit the Park. These include a separated walkway between the highway and the river north of the highway bridge over Goldstream River; a trail bridge over the river east of the highway bridge; a pedestrian highway overpass south of the highway bridge; connecting trail on west side of the highway; and a pedestrian highway underpass south of Niagara Creek with connecting trails. These measures are necessary to maintain the recreational values for Goldstream Park, as the current use in some cases is either limited by breaks in the trail network or does not provide a safe experience. The project also includes paved parking within the highway right of way that will be used for park visitors, and new transit stops on the highway. The transit and parking improvements will also make it easier and safer for park users to access the park. The project also includes an enclosed drainage highway system that maintains natural overland stormwater drainage, but separates, captures and treats the highway drainage. This system includes a large storage chamber that will handle a tanker truck volume of highway drainage, to provide an opportunity to retain and pump out any future contaminant spill before it can enter the river. In addition, plans are being developed for environmental offsetting elements to improve the aquatic values for the river. These measures will enhance environmental park values, and also assist with maintaining the popular salmon run and the associated recreational and educational opportunities. In order to facilitate these important highway safety improvements and related enhancements towards improved and safer use and preservation of the Park, the proposed temporary Park Use Permit is required.
Permit Type:
BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure
Issue Date:
Friday, April 28, 2023
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