Management Area: 
East Okanagan
South Okanagan

Anarchist Protected Area, South Okanagan Grasslands Protected Area, White Lake Grasslands Protected Area

3 years
Summary of Activity: 
The activities being proposed are through a partnership between the Calgary Zoo halfmoon hairstreak (Satyrium semiluna) conservation project, the Sperling Lab at the University of Alberta, and Parks Canada. The project is looking at the conservation of S. semiluna and its population genetics across its range. for better understanding if wild-to-wild translocations is an option for this species conservation. to do this, 3 to 5 individuals from each population in Canada needs to be collected and their genetics analyzed to understand the relationships between populations in B.C. and Alberta. This number of specimens will ensure we are able to adequately assess and compare genetic variation both within and among populations (e.g., Proshek et al., 2015; Dupuis et al., 2018; MacDonald et al., 2020). Robust analyses of population structure are not possible with fewer individuals. Individuals will be captured with aerial nets, focusing on males whenever possible, as they are less integral to population persistence. Additionally, older individuals, (identified through worn-out wings and faded colours) will also be targeted, these individuals will already have bred/ laid eggs and are therefore no longer contributing to the continuation of the species. Satyrium semiluna adults only live 6-14 days and therefore worn individuals would also be expected to be near the end of their lifespan. If any protected areas that may be linked to the halfmoon Hairstreak have been missed, please let me know. Cheers
Permit Type: 
James Glasier,Felix Sperling,Zachary Grant MacDonald
Issue Date: 
Friday, May 27, 2022