Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/27/2024 - 07:00
Management Area:
Rubyrock Lake Park
3 years
Summary of Activity:
FPX Nickel Corp. maintains a large mineral claim block located approximately 85 km northwest of Fort St. James in northern British Columbia and is currently in the pre-application, exploration phase to submit an application for an Environmental Assessment. Binche Whuten and Ecofor Consulting Ltd. are partnering to provide an assessment of baseline conditions for the Local Study Area (LSA). The proposed fisheries activities briefly discussed herein have been scoped using the Ministry of Environments guidelines. Data will be generated using a suite of sampling methodologies occurring throughout the year. Please note that there are currently no collection sample sites in Ruby Rock Lake Provincial Park boundaries however, there are some adjacent to the park on Sidney and Paula creeks and a portion of fall visual spawning surveys may extend into the park.
Spring spawner surveys are proposed to occur during the rainbow trout spawning window (e.g., late May to late June) and includes the deployment of bi-directional hoop nets at select locations/watercourses. Hoop nets will be checked daily for fish presence over 24 consecutive days.
Fish Community Stream Surveys- will be conducted throughout the 3 main drainages and respective tributaries within the LSA including Sidney and Paula Creeks. The purpose is to determine fish presence, species composition, relative abundance, and spatial distribution. Each site will be sampled using a combination of electrofishing (~100 m) and/or baited minnow traps in summer (July).
Fall spawner survey- fall spawners may include Sockeye Salmon and Chinook Salmon (O. tshawytscha) and given the sensitivities surrounding Pacific Salmon visual observations are planned to reduce the amount of instream substrate disturbance. A scientific license is being acquired from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. These surveys may extend into Ruby Rock Lake Provincial Park boundaries.
Tissue Chemistry- We have currently selected a sportfish (Rainbow Trout) and coarse fish species (sculpin/longnose sucker) and propose to collect eight individuals per species from sites adjacent the park. These will be collected during lake and stream fish community surveys (July and August), and with additional angling efforts if deemed necessary.
Environmental DNA (eDNA)- The collection of eDNA samples will provide confirmation of fish (and species) presence and distribution within the LSA.
Aquatic Resources-sampling activities are planned for late summer and are focused on collecting the first year of baseline data for biotic (e.g., plants and animals) and abiotic (e.g., aquatic sediments) components including: Aquatic Sediments, Periphyton, Benthic Invertebrates, Lower trophic tissue chemistry, and Water Quality (nutrients).
For more detailed information please see the attached maps, and the detailed fisheries/aquatic field program overview.
Permit Type:
Ecofor Consulting B.C. Ltd,Binche Whut'en
Issue Date:
Thursday, April 4, 2024
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