Management Area: 
Juan De Fuca

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

1 year
Summary of Activity: 
We would like to conduct a follow-up to an environmental assessment that Fisheries and Oceans Canada conducted at Race Rocks back in the early 2000s. This site is still on the books for us as a contaminated site, and as part of a general review of all of our currently active and inactive light stations, we would like to complete an updated environmental and human health risk assessment for the site. For the most part, these risk assessments would be based on the data collected in 2000. The consultant with whom we’re working, PGL, has, however, identified a few additional shallow soil samples that would fill in some gaps in the earlier sampling program. In addition, and in line with our more recent sampling at all of our staffed lightstations, we would like to gather a few blue mussel samples as an indicator of the potential exposure to contaminants of wildlife foraging in the intertidal zone. The soil samples would consist of 500mL of soil collected from the top 30cm of soil. Mussel samples would consist of a similar volume of material collected from natural drainage pathways along the shore. These data would then be compared to current guidelines and standards for exposure to the various contaminant by wildlife and by humans.
Permit Type: 
Hans Damman
Issue Date: 
Monday, April 29, 2024