Management Area: 
South Okanagan

White Lake Grasslands Protected Area, Sun-Oka Beach Park, Kickininee Park, Bear Creek Park, Fintry Park, Okanagan Lake Park, Inkaneep Park, Skaha Bluffs Park

3 years
Summary of Activity: 
For MSc thesis work on Western Screech-owls looking into how riparian areas can act as thermal refugia and whether fluctuations in temperature affect owl behaviour. Work is conducted by Megan Buers through the University of British Columbia (Okanagan) under the supervision of Dr. Karen Hodges. Project entails the capture, banding, measuring and tagging of adult Western Screech-owls to assess last use. Owls are trapped using a mist net set up and an audio lure. Additionally, we monitor nests throughout the field season (April-July), using remote monitoring equipment including temperature loggers, autonomous recording units, and camera traps. These equipment will help us determine how often chicks are fed and what they are being fed, as well as whether they are selecting for areas that remain cooler during periods of high heat and what vegetation attributes act to buffer higher temperatures in riparian systems.
Permit Type: 
Megan Amy Buers
Issue Date: 
Thursday, May 25, 2023