Management Area: 
Haida Gwaii

Pure Lake Park, Naikoon Park

10 years
Summary of Activity: 
Research activity- Tom Reimchen's stickleback work on Haida Gwaii has been gradually transitioning to my lab at McGill University. In the present year, we will sample a previously understudied component of stickleback biodiversity on Haida Gwaii - stream populations. Some stream populations have previously been sampled and studied by Tom and collaborators. However, nearly all of the previous work has focused on lake populations. My own previous experience has been with lake-stream population pairs on Vancouver Island. My goal this year is to conduct similar work on Haida Gwaii - thus seeking to add to our knowledge of this part of the biodiversity of Haida Gwaii stickleback. The locations listed on this application were recommended by Dr. Tom Reimchen, who is our collaborator on the work. At each site (a lake and its attendant inlet and/or outlet streams), we will use standard minnow traps (empty or baited with cheese) to sample a maximum of 50 fish per site (e.g., 50 fish from Rouge Lake and 50 fish from Rouge Outlet stream). Stream samples will be within 1 km of the corresponding lake. The traps will be left to "soak" for hours to days (checked at least every 12 hours) depending on capture rates. All non-target fish will be recorded and released. Fish will be euthanized with an overdose of clove oil or MS222, preserved in ethanol, and transported to the Redpath Museum at McGill University (where Tom Reimchen's collections now reside) NOTE: I am Professor at McGill University, and I have studied threespine stickleback in BC for more than 25 years. Further, I have participated extensively in various assessments and research on SARA-considered populations, including Misty Lake and Haida Gwaii "Giant" populations.
Permit Type: 
Andrew Hendry
Issue Date: 
Monday, June 19, 2023